Bikalpa's Blog

Monday, November 19, 2012

चमत्कारि उत्पादन

                                              Model No.:BGIAE-1c
देशका नेताहरुले भकाभक थप्पक खाएको देखेर Bikalpa Gautam Institute of Advance Engineering प्रस्तुत गर्दछ एक नया एवं चमत्कारि आविश्कार।  बहाल वाला एवं भुजपुर्व  नेता , मन्त्रि, सभासद र राजाहरुको व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै आविस्कार गरियको यस state-of the art -and -yet-so- simple मेसिनको उपयोग गर्न पनि सार्हैनै सजिलो छ। आमसभा,कार्यकर्ता भेटघाट, चियापान जस्ता कार्यक्रममा आफ्ना कार्यकर्ताहरु भलाकुसारि गर्न मनलागे यो पिजडा मा छिरेर भित्र बाट ताल्चा लगाएपछि थप्पड,कुइयाइ, घोचपेच, कुम ठोक्याइ बाट १००% सुरक्षाको ग्यारेन्टि कम्पनि ले लिन्छ।सबै फसादको जड हात मिलाउने काम नै भएकोले यसका लागि Aerodynamically designed गरियको प्वालबाट हात छिराएर  handshake गर्न सकिन्छ।३ वटा भर्सनमा उपलब्ध यस सुरक्षाकबच मा चिया खाने कप राख्ने cup holder देखि २ किमि मारक क्षमता भयको Snipper Riffel को पनि ब्यबस्था छ

मोडल नं: BGIAE-1c
  • Polly Carbon Ultra Titanium  fiber optic Steel बाट बनेको
  • एकठाउ बाट अर्को ठाउमा सार्न मिल्ने
  • फाइनान्स को सुबिधा भएको
  • थप्पड,कुइयाइ, घोचपेच, कुम ठोक्याइ बाट १००% सुरक्षाको ग्यारेन्टि
                                                                मोडल नं:BGIAE-2c

मोडल नं BGiAE-2c
  • Polly Carbon Ultra Titanium Fiber Optics Steel बाट बनेको
  • एकठाउ बाट अर्को ठाउमा सार्न मिल्ने
  • कार्यकर्ताहरुले ल्याएको माला-खादा झुण्ड्याउने अंकुसे
  • चिया कफि पानि राख्ने cup holder को ब्यबस्था भएको
  • फाइनान्स को सुबिधा भएको
  • थप्पड,कुइयाइ, घोचपेच, कुम ठोक्याइ बाट १००% सुरक्षाको ग्यारेन्टि

                                                                           मोडल नं: BGIAE-3c
मोडल नं: BGIAE-3cका बिशेसताहरु
  • Polly Carbon Ultra Titanium Fiber Optic Steel बाट बनेको
  • एकठाउ बाट अर्को ठाउमा सार्न मिल्ने
  • कार्यकर्ताहरुले ल्याएको माला-खादा झुण्ड्याउने अंकुसे
  • चिया कफि पानि राख्ने cup holder को ब्यबस्था भएको
  • स्याटलाइट फोनको सुबिधा
  • कसैमाथी पहिल्यै संका लाग्यो भने त्यसलाई हान्नको लागि snipper riffel
  • फाइनान्स को सुबिधा भएको
  • थप्पड,कुइयाइ, घोचपेच, कुम ठोक्याइ बाट १००% सुरक्षाको ग्यारेन्टि
 छोटकरिमा बिशेषताहरु-
Poly carbon ultra titanium fiber optic steel
Movable (comes with wheel)
Holder for cup and garland
Satellite phone
Sniper riffle




Tuesday, November 13, 2012

फोटो डायरि

यसपालिको दशैमा नेपाल जाने अनसर मिल्यो.तल राखिएका फोटोहरु मैले वेलायत बाट नेपाल र नेपाल बाट  फेरि वेलायत फर्किने क्रममा खिचेको हु। समय र परिस्थितिले भ्याएसम्म आफुलाई राम्रो र अनौठो लागेको फोटो म खिच्छु।व्लग बनाएर राख्छु भन्ने मेरो कुनै पुर्बयोजना थिएन, यहां आइसकेपछि यस्सो मोबाइलमा फोटोहरु हेर्दा यात्राको सिलसिलेवार फोटोहरु देखेपछि व्लगमा राख्दा राम्रो हु्न्छ भन्ने ठानेर तपाईहरु माझ पस्कदै छु। अरु बेलामाझै राम्रो भए राम्रो छ भन्दिनु होला, कमि-कमजोरि भए औल्याइदिनुहोला।
म बसेको ठाउँ नर्थह्याम्पटन (Northampton) बाट  प्लेन चढ्न हिथ्रो, लंण्डन पुग्न पर्ने भएकोले बिहानै लागियो  बस चढ्न बसपार्क तिर। बिहान ४ बजे सुनसान बसपार्कमा मेरो सुटकेस।
                                                     एयरपोर्ट को एउटा दृश्य
त्यतिबेला पुस्तक प्रदर्सनि भइराखेको थियो राष्ट्रिय सभा गृहमा। सोहि पुस्तक मेलामा किनिएका किताबहरु। यध्यपि  दशैको चटारोले पढ्न भने भ्याइएन।
TFC-Nepal ले आयोजना गरेको सहयोग कार्यक्रमा सामेल हुन पाउदा सार्है खुसि लाग्यो। TFC-Nepal को बारेमा र भैसेपाटिमा भएको सो कार्यक्रमको बारेमा वृस्तित जानकारिको लागि यँहा क्लिक गर्नु होला।
                                                स्वयंभुको बुध्दपार्क को एउटा दृश्य
                                                        बुद्धपार्कको अर्को दृश्य
यसै बिच एकदिन भाईलाइ रिसिभ गर्न एयरपोर्ट जानु पर्यो। प्रतिक्षालयमा आफन्त कुर्दै सर्वसाधारण
                                                      काठमाण्डुको ब्यस्त असन
                                                                  यो पनि असन
यो चाहि म बस्ने ठाउको असन ;) हामी नेपालीहरु यसलाई अझ कालिमाटी भन्छौ। खासगरि तरकारि र फलफुलको स्टलहरु धेरैहुने यस्ता हाटबजारहरु वेलायतका प्राय सबै सहर बजारहरुमा हुन्छन्। डिपार्टमेन्टल स्टोर भन्दा सस्तो हुने भयकोले तरकारि र फलफुल प्रायजसो हामीहरु यहिबाट किन्छम् ।पैसा कसरी हो भनेर सोध्नुहुन्छ भने १ भाडो को  मात्र £1

काठमाण्डु दरबार स्कायरको मन्दिर। मन्दिरको नाम चाहि मलाई थाहा भएन कसैलाई थाहा छ भने भनम है
                                                          सोहि मन्दिर फरक कोड बाट

                                             असनमा बेच्न झुण्ड्याइएका  ब्यागहरु

 माथिका दुबै तस्बिरहरु सपरिबार मनकामना दर्शन गर्न जादा खिचेको हु।

                              दशैंको पुर्वसन्ध्यामा खुलामञ्चमा किनमेल गर्ने मान्छेको भिड

                         काठमाण्डौमा छुट्टै चुरापोते बजार छ भन्ने कुरा मलाई थाहा थिएन।
                                                          पोते कसरी हो साहुजि?????
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काठमाण्डु सडक बिस्तार कार्यक्रमको सिकार भएको एउटा घर। स्थान -कृष्ण पाउरोटि नजिक

यस बारेमा धेरै लेखिएको  र पढिएको छ पत्रपत्रिकामा- त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलको थुप्रै चरणको सुरक्षा जाच पार गरेर बिमान चढ्न तयार रहेका यात्रुहरुलाई भारतीय विमान कम्पनिहरुले जहाज चढ्नु अगि छुट्टै चेक जाच गर्दछन् र यहां पनि त्यहि भइरहेको छ।
रमाइलो कुरा त के छ भने लण्डन बाट मुम्बइ पनि यहि जेट एयरबेजमै गएका थियौ। त्याहाँ त चेकिङ्को च पनि गरेथेनन्। छोरीनै दिउला जस्तो गरेर काउलो पार्थे। नेपाल बाट उड्ने प्लेनलाई मात्र किन त???

नेपालबाट बाहिर जादा मुम्बईको Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport मा ट्रान्जिट पर्यो र नेट चलाउन मन लाग्यो भने गेट नं २ मा जानुहोला। भन्न त "Free Wifi का सुबिधा हे" भन्दो रहेछ तर त्यसको लागि भारतिय सिम चाहिदो रहेछ ।अब ट्रान्जिटमा बसेको मान्छे संग कहाबाट हुनु भारतिय सिम। त्यसैले नेट चलाउन मन लागे गेट नं २ को बायाँतिर रहेको कम्प्युटरबाट नेट चलाउन सकिन्छ। माथिको फोटो त्यहि नेट चलाउने ठाउ को हो।
                                  {सम्पुर्ण फोटोहरु मोबाइल (Galaxy S2) बाट खिचिएका हुन्}

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Review of current HIV epidemiology of Nepal

Here's the abstract of Praveen Paudel's dissertation submitted to University of Northampton,  titled "Issues and barriers of HIV/AIDS interventional programmes: A systematic review of current HIV epidemiology of Nepal".

The overall prevalence of Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection among most at risk population (MARP) group in Nepal is declining, however, the HIV prevalence among the low risk group (general population) is thought to be increasing via bridging population. Sexual networking and drug use might be working as the bridge for the transmission of HIV among these two groups. Barriers in the interventional programmes are the cause behind shift in HIV transmission.

Objective of this study was to  systematically review the situation of HIV epidemiology in Nepal with a view to identifying the proportion of people affected by HIV infection among various risk groups and explores the barriers for the effectiveness of Internationale programs. This study used systematic review of journals and reports covering electronic database, web-based information, contacting to authors from reference list and personal contact with experts.

 A large gap exists between reported and estimated HIV infection cases in Nepal. The actual number of HIV prevalence in Nepal might be much higher than estimated cases because most of the estimation at present is town/city centred- missing remaining areas (districts) which are not covered by the projects. Likewise the interventional programmes have covered only sub-set of their targeted population; the risk behaviours of the remaining population uncovered by the programmes are found to fuel the transmission of this disease to the general public.  The major barriers for the ineffectiveness of interventional programmes are the pertinent cultural issues which the interventional programmes have not been able to address. Also issues at programme management level and service seeking level are potential barriers contributing for HIV epidemic in Nepal.

 Despite the progress that has been made so far to reduce HIV transmission in Nepal, a proper scientific mechanism of case identification for all risk population groups throughout country is still missing. Research on sexual networking and HIV transmission from high risk to low risk (general population) is urgently required to control HIV transmission in Nepal. 

(One can contact researcher at if s/he wants to know more about his ground breaking research)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu

Here's the abstract of my M.Sc dissertation submitted to University of Northampton titled "Applicability of transfer of best practice in solid waste management from England to Kathmandu Metropolitan city".

Rapidly growing populations, coupled with economic growth and rise in living standard have accelerated the waste generation rate in developing country like Nepal, causing its management to be a major challenge. Solid waste management(SWM) has been highly neglected area particularly on developing country which has leads to serious environmental problems like contamination of water and soil by leachate from poorly managed and illegal solid waste dumps. Its impact on public health has caused developing nation to address this issues with increasing urgency. Solid waste management is a complex system which involves multiple processes from generation to disposal. These processes generally involve generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, handling, collection, transfer and transport, transformation (recovery and treatment) and disposal. Transferring appropriate environmentally sound technologies and their effective implementation   can be helpful in addressing the environmental problem like solid waste management  However, experience from past have shown that the transferred technology from developed country will only be successful if it matches requirement of developing country.

The aim of this research is to critically evaluate the applicability of transfer of best practice for waste disposal/alternative management from England to case study area, Kathmandu. Literature review, case study and observation are used as methods to gather the information regarding current best practice in England and case study area, composition and tonnage of waste  in case study area. Semi-structure interview with waste experts from countries is used to validate the finding made from literature review, case study and observation. Research finds out that undefined solid waste, lack of public participation, ineffective legislation and financial investment are the main barriers for the transfer of technology from England to Kathmandu. Similarly, research also observes that segregation of waste, effective collection system, involvement of 3rd sector in the form of scavengers will be effective tools for the effective management of MSW in Kathmandu.
Household waste segregation, Home composting, door stepping, awareness campaign, third sector involvement, dry recycling and Anaerobic Digestion (AD) are some of the best practice that has been followed by England, which can be transferred to case study area with minor adjustment making it suitable to perform whereas indigenous technique like vermin composting and suiro campaign which is applied in other part of Nepal with greater effect can also be applied in Kathmandu.

To assist the successful trans location of the best practice from England to case study area, this research has recommended a waste prevention plan that aims to reduce the total tonnage of the household waste focusing particularly on the organic and plastic waste arising from household. Among other advance technologies, research recommends using  AD as a method of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in future. Apart from obvious benefit of disposing waste, release of energy from waste is biggest advantage that AD posses over other technologies.

(Please let me know if you are interested in solid waste and want to have a look at my dissertation)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nepalese Cricket and way forward.

Once again we have promised a lot and once again we have failed to deliver and returned empty handed. Yes i know that apart from Malaysia other opponents in the group i e India and Pakistan are the cricketing powerhouse who have won the world cup (U-19) couple of times each. And i also know that expecting our boys to win against them is asking for impossible to happen. But still, being a Nepalese cricket nuts i was expecting at least some serious fight back from our boys.

What really amused and more importantly made me angry is that little has been done by Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) to address the age old problem of Nepalese cricket, batting. Failure of Nepalese batsman in major international tournament is not a new phenomenon and yet our authorities have done next to nothing to figure out what is causing this  and how it can be solved. All the hard work done by our bowler to restrict opponents within the getable score had been wasted by our batsman playing senselessly. Just have a look at today's match,all the hope and excitement created by our bowler by containing famed Indian batting line-up to mere 173 was dusted by our batsman. And there are many more other instance where we have shown incompetence while batting.

Some people might say that centralization of the cricketing infrastructure is main reason forcing Nepalese cricket to slump. Afganistan is a good example to learn how a country without any cricketing infrastructure whatsoever has managed to establish itself as a cricketing power. While Taliban were ruling their country, these players were getting valuable exposure playing quality cricket for various clubs and teams in Pakistan.

The reason for raising this topic of exposure  is that no matter how much amount of money you pour into developing cricketing infrastructure, no matter how talented player are , if players do not know how to adjust in real match situation, they will ultimately succumb under pressure. Exposure will not only help to overcome the nervousness in the match day but it will also help to expand the creativity by understanding opponent’s tactics.

Hereby i have listed some way, by following which our cricket player can gain valuable experience and exposure needed badly 

  • Start domestic 1st class competition: If you look at the matches in which Nepal has batted 1st, against good opponents, you'll noticed that we had usually got all out before the completion of allocated overs. Unlike conventional one-day match, a 1st class match last for more then 1 day (2,3,4 or even 5 days with each team playing 2 inning).Playing this kind of matches will help our batsman to learn the art of  spending time in the middle of the pitch and as great Sunil Gavaskar has  said -'runs will start to flow once you learn how to spent time in the crease'.
  • Identify key impact player: If you observe any good cricket team, you'll notice that there are at least 5 player key player who can have positive impact in the outcome of a match (i am not saying other 6 are useless).We should also pick out 5 player (3 batsman and 2 bowler) based on their past performance and talent and nurture them for future.
  • Ask for help: Nepal is quite fortunate to have four of the world best cricket playing countries as our neighbour. They have rich cricketing history and are well advance in term of the cricketing infrastructure. Their centre of excellence like MRF Pace foundation in Chhenai, National Cricket Academy (NCA) Banglore, NCA (Lahore), NCA (Colombo) are among the best in the world. If we could use our diplomatic channel effectively, it wouldn’t be that difficult for these countries to allocate couple of scholarship each year for aspiring Nepalese cricketer. Impact players that have been identified earlier could be sent to these centres. The tricks and trade of fast bowling that Binod Das could learn under the watchful eye of Delis Lili could be invaluable for Nepalese cricket. And equally inportant will be batting skills that Sarad Veswakar could learn from Javed Miyadad at NCA ,Lahore.
Brit lee with Denis lillee at MRF pace foundation
  • Invite team: CAN should initiate the tradition for inviting quality foreign cricket team at least 3-4 times of the year. All of the team that play 1st class cricket in India, Pakistan, Srilanka  and Pakistan plays good cricket and each of them have their own style of playing. Logistically won't be that difficult to organise tour match of 1st class team like Mumbai Ranji team or PIA from Pakistan. Playing against Nepal in Nepal will also be a good learning curve for these teams.  By playing against these team, our players can gain that valuable exposure which they lacks.
  • Professionalism: Standard of cricket that Nepal has in age group is very good among the non test playing nation. As these boys become mans and play for national side our standard nosedives. Experts have pointed out the lack of professionalism for its main cause. When you are young cricketer, you do not have to think about your living and earning. But as a cricketer grows up, he then gets concerned about his sources of income. If we could take out the fear of low or no income from  their minds then it will be easier for them to concentrate more on cricket then non cricketing issues. 
 If three departmental team ie Nepal Police, Armed Police and Nepal Army could form their own cricket team then at least 50-60 Nepalese cricketer can play without fearing about their jobs. 

These cricketing heavyweights (India, Pakistan, Srilanka and Bangladesh) have done enough to promote cricket in their country. Now its time to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by advertising and sponsoring cricket in their neighbours.

 (Images are from google)